Since the mennonites split from Zwingli during the reformation, they were persecuted in switzerland. They fled to the Emmental and the Jura, where they hid for centuries from the systematic persecution of the state. If found, they faced imprisonment or death. They were burned or hanged. Some fled to America, where they later became the Amish. Even today there are communities of Mennonites in Switzerland. One of them is in St. Imier in the Bernese Jura. They still live very secluded and among themselves. They do not speak about their religion to the outside world. However, a pastor of the community was open to give a small and short insight into the community and especially on the history of the people. It shows historical places of persecution and a hidden community in the mountains of the Jura. Even after a long time, the fear of the outside world has not been completely overcome.